Meet the Teacher
Ms. Lori Perry
I began my journey as an Exceptional Children's Teacher here at Harnett Central High School in 2018, and have worked with students for 35 years. Originally, I am from Wake County but have lived in Harnett County since attending Campbell University's Education Program.
As a proud parent of two adult children, who both attended Harnett County Schools, I understand the significance of collaboration between families and educators. This partnership is essential for our children's success.
Additionally, I am deeply committed to promoting inclusion through my involvement with Special Olympics and the Unified Champion Schools program. My teaching philosophy aligns with Robert John Meehan’s belief that "Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding."
Phone: 919-639-6161 ext. 1507
Degrees & Certifications: Special Education Teacher Licensure in Adaptive Curriculum-East Carolina University Bachelor of Arts in Humanities-University of Greensboro
Early Childhood Associates Degree-Wake Technical Community College
Daily Schedule
7:10-7:30 Arrival & Breakfast: 7:00-Car Riders, 7:15 Regular Bus Riders, 7:20- EC Bus Riders). 7:30-7:45 Finish up breakfast, restrooms and grooming.
7:45-8:30 Announcements & Good Morning Discussion
*Spin the Wheel of Sharing where students share with their classmates: What they did the day before. An act of kindness they did. If they drank water and ate any fruits or vegetables. Practiced a life skill to help around the house and/or an individual.
*Read the school Lunch Menu and practice reading the food's nutrition labels.
*Watch WRAL Weather, discuss the weather (bar graphs, temperatures, maps. etc.), and then graph the weather for that day.
*We watch either, CNN Daily News or The World from A-Z to discuss Current Events. 8:30-9:15 Lesson In our classroom, we like to celebrate every day according to the National Day Calendar. In addition to our daily slides, our writing also correlates with the National Day theme and activities. The majority of our lessons are derived from Attainment Curriculums, along with resources from Flocabulary, BrainPop, and Mystery Science. This variety helps to keep our students motivated and eager to learn.
9:15-10:00 Reading Our individual reading sessions will be done on Epic and will consist of teacher-assigned specific readings based on monthly themes, student interests, and reading levels followed by a graded quiz. For our group reading, we work on Scholastic's News Units featuring comprehension exercises accompanied by writing components, along with utilizing News-to-You for symbol-supported passage reading ending with a review quiz.
10:00-10:45 Math Groups: Specially Designed Instruction according to Math Goals: *(Resources utilized but not limited to: Unique Learning System, Attainments: Teaching to Standards Math,, Generation Genius Math & Morning Work Notebooks).
10:45-11:00 Prepare for Lunch *(put items away, restroom, wash hands). 11:00-11:30 Lunch
11:30-12:00 Vocational *(Attainment Curriculums: Job Skills and Smart Choices. 12:00-12:30 Writing *(May include Scholastics & News 2 You).
12:30-1:00 Movement (Gym) & Individual Reading Groups *(Unique Learning Systems & Attainments: Teaching to Standards, EPIC).
1:00-1:30 Afternoon Snack & Health Lesson *(Attainment Curriculum: Healthy Living).
1:15-2:00 Life Skills Activity *(Curriculums Incorporated: Unique Learning System, Attainments: Budgeting & Shopping) *Cooking several times a week.
2:00-2:15 Prepare to Leave 2:15-2:45 Departure