Meet the Teacher
Mrs. Susan Fisher
I am Mrs. Fisher, the K-5 SCMC EC Teacher at LSES.
We look forward to working with your child this year and sharing with you the students' excitement with their learning. Together we can support them with their challenging new experiences as they develop new skills and their confidence as their skills grow.
It is important to us that your child feels he or she is part of the classroom and school community. Our classroom becomes a school family, especially since many of our students are with us for several years. We look forward to working with you, the parents, as we collaborate to support your child throughout the year.
A little about me:
I have worked with students and adults with disabilities in classrooms (resource & self-contained) and residential settings (group homes & center-based respite. Classroom teaching has been with Kindergarten to college levels and residential settings as well. I have also taught adults at Ft Bragg, Cape Fear Community College and FTCC, and served as the QMRP and later Director for residential facilities for children with disabilities.
After having a family, I took time off from teaching to take care of my family due to medical needs. Because I missed being in the classroom and working with younger students, I returned to the classroom in November 2005. I have been with the SCMC classroom at LSES since then.
Please contact me any time you have questions or concerns.
Mrs. Fisher
Phone: (910) 893-3483 ext. 601
Degrees & Certifications:
Greensboro College
BS in Special Education K-12 Concentrations: MR/LD
Daily Schedule
Athough specific times for our daily schedule in the 2024-25 school year will have to be updated after we return to school, a temporary one is available.
7:45-8:15 Morning Duties
8:15-8:40 Breakfast, Restroom, Morning Meeting
8:40-9:00 Morning Meeting. Social/Emotional Lesson
9:00- approximately 12:00 Small Group ELA
Afternoon: Small Group Math, Science
Enhancement Schedules vary depending on if children participate with our homeroom class or mainstream into regular education classes with their grade level.
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is an online platform that our school uses for classwork and communication.
Students will use their school Google account and password to log into their teacher's Google Classroom.
IAfter your child has accepted the Invitation to join the Google Classroom for the 24-25 school year, you will be able to receive periodic updates and view your child's work.
NC Curriculum Standards
Kindergarten - Gr 2 ELA Standards