Meet the Teacher
SGM (R) Antonio L. Brown

Phone: 910-897-8121 Ext. 2269
Degrees and Certifications:
AAS, Homeland Security & Emergency Management, Central Texas College
BS, Criminal Justice/Security Service, Excelsior College

Sergeant Major Retired (SGM(R)) Brown is a native of Charleston, South Carolina. He enlisted into the Army Reserve in March 1988 and then the Active Army in July 1989 as a Chemical Operations Specialist. He attended basic training and advanced individual training at Fort McClellan Alabama.
SGM(R) Brown has served as a Smoke Operations Specialist, Chemical Operations Specialist, Company NBC NCO, Squad Leader, Instructor Writer, Chemical ANCOC Small Group Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Company Operations Sergeant, Rear Detachment SGM, First Sergeant, Battalion Operations Sergeant, Senior Combat Development NCO, U.S. Army Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear(CBRN) School Operations SGM, U.S. Army CBRN School Directorate of Training & Leader Development Senior Advisor and U.S. Forces Command Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction SGM.
His stateside assignments include Fort Bragg North Carolina (x4), Fort Leonard Wood Missouri (x3), Fort Stewart Georgia, and Fort Bliss Texas. His overseas assignments include Germany and Korea (x2). He has deployed to Saudi Arabia, Iraq (x2), Qatar, and Kuwait for combat and in support of peacekeeping operations.
SGM(R) Brown’s military education includes the Chemical Operation Specialist Course, the Primary Leader Development Course, the Chemical Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, the Chemical Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course, the Sergeants Major Course Class 64, AMC affiliation cargo preparation course, air movement operations course, maintenance management information system course, basic instructor training course, support cadre training course, radiological safety course, small group instructor course, equal opportunity management course, hazmat certification course, management orientation for support structure course, supply managers course, unit movement officer deployment planning course, enhanced property book unit supply course, standard army maintenance system course, master resilience trainer, CBRNE Senior Staff Planner Course, capabilities developments course, and the Army force management orientation course. His civilian education includes a high school diploma from Middleton High School, hazardous material awareness level certificate from Missouri Division of Fire Safety, hazardous material operations level certificate from Missouri Division of Fire Safety, a hazardous material incident response certificate from the University of Missouri-Columbia, AAS in Homeland Security & Emergency Management from Central Texas College, and a BS in Liberal Arts with a focus in Criminal Justice/Security Service from Excelsior College.
SGM(R) Brown’s awards and decorations include Legion of Merit, the Meritorious Service Medal (4th award), the Army Commendation Medal (8th award), the Army Achievement Medal (3rd award), Army Good Conduct Medal (9th award), National Defense Service Medal (1 bronze star), Korean Defense Service Medal, South-West Asia Service Medal (2 bronze stars), Iraq Campaign Medal (3 bronze star), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, NCO Professional Development Ribbon (with numeral 5), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (with numeral 2), Liberation of Kuwait Medal (Saudi Arabia), the Liberation of Kuwait Medal (Kuwait), Basic Parachutist Badge, Meritorious Unit Citation and the German Weapons Achievement Badge (Gold).
SGM(R) Brown resides in Fayetteville, NC with his wife Debra and family.
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