Meet the Teacher
Ms. Megan Valtin

6th Grade Science
Welcome to Ms. Valtin's classroom. I am a member of the Jedi 6th grade team. I grew up in Harnett County and went to Western Harnett Middle School and graduated from Western Harnett High School. I have a bachelor's degree in science from Campbell University and a master's degree in science from Liberty University. I have 9 nieces and nephews. I also have two dogs, Daisy and Mollie, whom I treat like my children. This is my seventh year at Western Harnett Middle School. I look forward to working with your child this year!
Contact: I am available for parent meetings Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during my planning period from 12:35-2:00 pm. I am also available through email ( and Class Dojo.
Phone: 919-499-4497 ext 619
Degrees & Certifications:
Bachelors of Science- Campbell University
Masters of Science- Liberty University
Daily Schedule
Homeroom/Breakfast - 7:20-7:30
AIR - 7:30-8:10
Core 1- 8:10-9:05
Core 2 - 9:05-10:00
Core 3 - 10:00-10:55
Lunch - 11:00-11:30
Core 4 - 11:40-12:35
Elective 1: 12:35-1:20
Elective 2: 1:20-2:05
Cardinal Connection - 2:05-2:45
Dismissal - 2:45
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is utilized for classroom instruction, communication and collaboration. Students use their Google accounts to have access to assignments, resources, and content. Using the Internet, students have access anytime and anywhere to posted assignments, due dates, as well as supporting curriculum resources.
NC Curriculum Standards
Click here to see the 6-8 Science standards. Make sure to view the 6h-grade standards.