brandy powers

As part of their regular rated license evaluation, North Carolina Pre-K licensed programs must undergo an Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R) assessment every three years. The ECERS-R measures classroom quality by evaluating criteria such as teacher-child interactions, space and furnishings, routines, and more.


Program requirements and guidance dictate that “NC Pre-K classrooms must score a minimum of 5.0. Classrooms that receive less than 5.0 will be contacted by the Division of Child Development and Early Education and are required to submit an Improvement Plan demonstrating how the minimum rating will be accomplished by the following year of operation. Classrooms have one year to improve quality to the 5.0 level.”


Harnett County Schools is proud to announce that the following schools have not only met, but exceeded the required standards for performance:


Anderson Creek Primary 5.56

Angier Elementary 6.46

Benhaven Elementary 6.03

Boone Trail Elementary 5.73

Erwin Elementary 5.36

Lillington Shawtown Elementary 5.43

North Harnett Primary 6.22


Special congratulations to Ms. Brandy Powers at Angier Elementary School for achieving the highest scores in the district!


Harnett County Schools PreK Director, Ms. Clara Clinton is very proud of our NC Pre-K classes, which have had their ECCERS visits and received above five stars. “Thank you for teaching, reaching, and growing our PreK students.”


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