Kindergarten Registration
Register for Kindergarten Online
How to Translate the Online Enrollment Website
While there is not a non-English version of the online enrollment program, HCS families can access the website and have the pages translated for them.
Here is the process:
Families will go to
In the detect language box, (English will be the default language) they will type in and the website will show up in the translation box on the right.
Make sure in the translation box (on the right) the language that you desire is selected and then click on the link.
Once you click on the link, it will take you to the fully translated Online Enrollment webpage and our parents/guardians then can follow the instructions.
Aunque no hay una versión del programa de matrículas/registro para Kindergarten en otro idioma que no sea el Inglés, las familias de las escuelas del Condado de Harnett pueden acceder a la página web y ver los contenidos en el idioma de su preferencia.
Así es como funciona:
Las familias van al sitio web
En el cuadro donde dice “DETECT LANGUAGE”, por favor escriba y aparecerá la página web en ambos cuadros.
Asegúrese de seleccionar el idioma de su preferencia en el cuadro que está a la derecha, y luego presione el link dentro de ese cuadrado.
Una vez que haya presionado el link, aparecerá el sitio completo en el idioma que usted eligió. Esa es la página de registro/matrícula, y ahora ya podrá seguir las instrucciones.

Documents Needed From Parent/Guardian for Enrollment
Kindergarten (Initial Enrollment)
Certified Birth Certificate or other satisfactory evidence of child's date of birth*
Immunization Record*
Proof of Residency**
Completed Health Assessment Transmittal form*** (linked below)
*Certified Birth Certificates for Pupils born within Harnett County or North Carolina may be ordered through the Harnett County Register of Deeds Office Online HERE.
Pupils are eligible to enroll in the Harnett County Kindergarten Program if they will become five years of age on or before August 31 of that school year.
* A student will be allowed thirty days from enrollment to have immunizations in compliance with North Carolina law. A student who produces an immunization record that is in noncompliance on day thirty after enrollment will be immediately withdrawn.
** Documentation for proof of residency is left to the discretion of the principal. It may include, but is not limited to, statement of utility connection or bill, lease from rental property, proof of purchase of residential property in Harnett County. A post office box number is not sufficient for proof of residency.
*** Upon entering kindergarten as initial enrollment, a student shall present a completed health assessment transmittal form. A student will be allowed thirty days from the first day of attendance to present the required health assessment. Students who fail to present a completed health assessment by the end of the thirtieth day shall not be permitted to attend school until which time the required document is presented.