HCHS Sweetheart’s Ball
Over 39 students with special needs and developmental disabilities from Harnett Central High School and Triton High School were honored with a day to shine at the Sweetheart’s Ball last week.

HCHS EC Life Skills teacher, Lori Perry and Susan Dunn from THS wanted to give their students a chance to dress up and have fun with a day prom event in celebration of friendship, inclusion, and community. 

Perry said that “the community came together in full force providing food, flowers, music, and volunteers. I’m so grateful to everyone who make this event possible”. The love and light were felt throughout the space filled with music, and laughter, adorned with beautiful décor and happy faces.

Thank you, Lori Perry, teachers, staff, parents, students, and friends, for donating your time, effort, and resources toward making this special event one to remember.

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