Parent Resources

Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education: NC Notice of Procedural Safeguards

Parent Rights - English   Parent Rights - Spanish

This handbook is designed to support families with the understanding of the rights and responsibilities specific to the special education process. Acronyms and terms often used in special education and resources can be found in the appendices.

If, at any time, you suspect your student may have a disability and is in need of special education and/or related services, you may request an evaluation, in writing, to your student’s school principal, teacher, or local EC Department.

Suggested Steps for Addressing Family Concerns

First, address at the classroom level - discuss your concerns with your child's teacher

Then, address at the school level - discuss your concerns with the administrator at your child's school

Finally, address at the district level - discuss your concerns with:

April Hood
EC Director  
(910) 893-8151 ext. 300271