Title I

Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs

Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (PSUs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of poverty to help ensure that all children meet challenging State academic content and student achievement standards.

Title I Highlights

  • Acts as largest federal aid program in our nation's schools

  • Promotes high-quality education for all students

  • Offers supplemental services to students who have not yet achieved grade level proficiency

  • Involves parents and families in students' education

Dana Stephens
Director of K-5 Curriculum Programs & Title I Administration, Harnett County Schools

You are invited to complete a stakeholder survey related to several grant-funded federal programs within Harnett County Schools (Titles I, II, III, and IV). Information is embedded within the survey to provide an overview of each program, allow review of 2023-24 program goals and strategies, and seek input for 2024-25 planning components. 

2024-25 HCS Federal Programs Planning - Stakeholder Input

Usted está invitado a completar una encuesta de partes interesadas relacionada con varios programas federales financiados por subvenciones dentro de las escuelas del condado de Harnett. La información está integrada en la encuesta para proporcionar una visión general de cada programa, permitir la revisión de los objetivos y estrategias del programa 2023-24 y buscar aportes para los componentes de planificación 2024-25. 

Planificación de programas federales HCS 2024-25

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